Vitamin C – The Wonder Vitamin






Linus_Pauling -Reasearcher_of_Vitamin C



Linus Pauling,(see picture above) according to Dr. Hilary Roberts (USA), was the leading chemist of the last century and, arguably, the greatest ever American scientist. He remains the only person to have won two unshared Nobel Prizes, the first for Chemistry (1954) and the second for peace (1962). In addition to being one of the greatest scientists ever, he was a renowned humanitarian”.




Today he is mostly remembered for his research into vitamin C.




He concluded that vitamin C may be the answer to many diseases including heart and cancer.



 For this he was ridiculed.



Nevertheless, continuous research into this vitamin has revealed that it certainly is a wonder vitamin.




Consider this news item




Recently a local Rupert Murdoch newspaper carried a news article proclaiming, “Vitamin C may become the new diabetes treatment.” (Adelaide Advertiser, Monday 11th.Feb.2019).




The article, quoted Professor Glenn Wadley.



He is “from Deakin’s Institute for Physical activity and Nutrition.”



Wadley went on to say that the “Humble vitamin C supplement may hold the key to tackling one of Australia’s biggest health scourges, type 2 diabetes.



The reseach suggested that “taking 500mg of vitamin C twice daily could lower blood insulin spikes after meals”.







Benefits of Vitamin C




Illustating the layers of human skin




The illustation above, reveals  the complex structure of human skin. It has been proven that Vitamin C is necessary for optimum skin health. 




Everyone knows that many sailors in the 1800’s (and probably before) suffered from scurvy, a form of a skin disease, after long periods at sea.



Symptoms of Scurvy are:




  • swollen, spongy and purplish gums that are prone to bleeding.




  • loose teeth.




  • bulging eyes 




  • bleeding into the skin (severe and easy bruising)




  • scaly, dry and brownish skin.
  • very dry hair that curls and breaks off close to the skin.




After a while it was discovered that if they ate limes, scurvy did not appear.



And still later it was discovered that vitamin C was the main ingredient that had been lacking in their diets.




 “Scurvy is a condition characterised by general weakness, anaemia, gingivitis (gum disease), and skin haemorrhages caused by a prolonged deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the diet. Vitamin Cplays a crucial role in the formation of collagen, a major component of connective tissue.”




Vitamin C plays a “crucial role in the formation of collagen, a major component of connective tissue”.



It is therefor used widely in many facial cosmetics and skin treatments.



Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various connective tissues in the body. As the main component of connective tissue, it is the most abundant protein in mammals, making 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content.




Here is an example of a cosmetic skin product utilising vitamin C, made here in Australia. Other companies, such as Estee Lauder, make similar products as well.




Plunkett's vitamin C skin care product




Is Vitamin C Neccesary Today?




The simple answer is, yes!




The human body cannot produce vitamin C itself so it needs to be  outsourced by including fruits and some vegetables in our diets. In some areas of the world these food sources are scarce and vitamin deficiences occur.




Vitamin C is also a powerful anti-oxidant. Oxidation is a chemical reaction (like the occurence of rust in metals) that produces free radicals in the body These cause chain reactions damaging the cells of  the body, such as our arteries.  Antioxidants, (anti-rust chemicals, if you will), like thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) largely prevent this oxidation. 




And as the article in the newspaper quoted above, a daily dose of vitamin C is beneficial for preventing and controlling a range of diseases and conditions.




What daily dose of vitamin C should we take?




There has been a bit of controversy about the dose of vitamin C that people should take daily.




Linus pauling advocated taking high doses (himself taking 18,000 mgs – 8grams – a day) whereas the the medical establishment suggest doses no bigger than 2,000mg.




The fact is that many people who take more than a 2,000mg of vitamin C daily will suffer from diarrhea. For those who already have trouble with loose bowels, this may not be the best of idea. Whereas for those that constantly suffer from constipation this may even be a help!




Various trials it have shown that body can take larger doses of vitamin C if  given by intravenous injection.



And because of this, experiments have taken place with positive results in people who have suffered from some major diseases.




However a new form of vitamin C delivery has been discovered that works much similar to the intravenous method but without having injections and without medical involvement.




It’s called Liposomal Vitamin C




Liposomal vitamin C is a recent development that contains the same active ingredient as regular vitamin C supplements, but with asuperior delivery system. In fact, one of the problems with regular vitamin C is that very small amounts get taken up by the body. With higher doses, the majority of vitamin C stays in the gut and is eventually eliminated (and as we noted above can cause diarrhea).



Check out this article for further information.




The good news is that Liposomal vitamin C can now be purchased from many specialised online distibutors and is available for those not getting enough fruits and vegetables or living in intense industrial or severe winter climates.