How to Get Rid of Cramps

How to Get Rid of Cramps

People that suffer cramps know how debilitating they are. They are always looking for ways to get rid of cramps.

10 ways to help get rid of cramps

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to prevent muscle cramps caused by dehydration.
  • Limit alcohol intake as it is a micturate. That is, it causes the body to expel urine, thus dehydrating the system.
  • Some medications can do the same thing. Read the directions or see your doctor.
  • Gently stretching and massaging the affected muscle can help relieve cramps
  • Warm up before activity: Warm up properly before exercising to reduce the risk of cramping.
  • Avoid overuse: Avoid overexertion and repetitive movements that can cause muscle fatigue and cramping.
  • Eat bananas: Bananas are a good source of potassium, which can help prevent cramping.
  • Take magnesium supplements: Magnesium helps regulate muscle function, and low levels of magnesium can lead to cramping.
  •  Ensure you get enough sleep and rest to prevent muscle fatigue and cramping.
  • Avoid inactivity, like sitting for long hours which restricts blood flow to the legs.


Running a maraton can cause leg cramps

Cramps affect young and old at times and for different reasons. Who hasn’t suffered leg cramps when swimming in cold water?

Older people may suffer cramps because blood circulation is restricted due to arterial blockages. Sports people, like marathon runners, cramp up because of muscle fatigue.

And period cramps are an altogether different kettle of fish which we discuss later.


Much of the time, there is no clear cause for nocturnal leg cramps. Leg cramps at night are typically caused by nerve issues and muscular exhaustion. Leg cramps at night are more likely as you become older. And are more likely to occur in pregnant women.


As mentioned above potassium and magnesium play an important roll in preventing and getting rid of cramps.


Research shows that minerals, including potassium, sodium, and magnesium, may help counteract muscle cramps. Plus, deficiencies in nutrients like magnesium, vitamin D, and certain B vitamins may increase the chances


What can you do to get rid of cramps?

It’s suggested for most sufferers to drink more fluid, particularly water. Sports people are advised to drink sports drinks like Gatorade after heavy work outs.


Although Gatorade contains a lot of sugar and salt, it is not harmful if used sensibly. If they wish to lead a healthy lifestyle, those who are sedentary, have diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease should consider the amount of salt and sugar in a bottle of Gatorade.


How to get rid of menstrual cramps


As mentioned above. Menstrual cramps are a different kettle of fish.




How to get rid of menstrual cramps


As mentioned above. Menstrual cramps are a different kettle of fish.

Menstrual cramps don’t fall into the same category as muscle cramps. Nor are the causes the same.

When the monthly cycle comes on, the uterus begins to contract in order expel its lining.

Hormonelike substances (prostaglandins) involved in pain and inflammation trigger the uterine muscle contractions.

But in some individuals,highere levels of prostaglandins cause  more-severe cramp like pains.

This condition is called  dysmenorrhoea. Not that you need to know.

Five ways to alleviate menstrual pain.

  • Apply warm packs to the lower abdomen and back.
  • Use  pain relief, like panadol or ibufrin – if the pain persists or increases, best to consult a doctor for further examination.
  • It’s suggested to refrain from fatty foods (take away burgers and the like), alcohol, cola, and salty foods.
  • Finally, drink water to relieve bloating and refrain from caffein (coffee and tea) – whereas some herbal teas are helpful.